Root Canal in Turkey
Length of Stay in Hospital: 0 DAYS
Session Duration: 30 MINS TO 1 HOURS
Recovery Duration: 5 DAYS
Success Rate: 95.9%
Treatment Details
Root Canal Surgery is also known as endodontics. It’s a dental treatment for inflamed, infected, or dead pulp. It has to be performed by an experienced dentist so that there won’t be any damage to teeth, gums, or nerves. Dental pulp is a soft substance consisting of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue in the dental center.
During a typical root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed, and the internal part of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the surrounding tissue of the female becomes infected, and abscesses may form. A spot is a pus-filled pocket formed at the ends of the tooth roots.
Most root canal treatments involve at least two visits to the dentist. Once the problem is fully detected and measured by a detailed x-ray, the infected nerve tissue is removed in the first appointment. The area is covered with a topical antibiotic. This usually relieves pain in the tooth. In the second visit, the root canal is cleaned, disinfected, shaped, measured, and filled to prevent recurrent infection.

Ideal Candidates for Root Canal
- People with Inflamed gums
- Individuals whose pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection
- Individuals who suffer from deep tooth decay or recurrent tooth decay under previous fillings or crowns
- People with sensitive gums
- People with toothaches
How To Prepare For Root Canal
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco for a total of 24 hours before the procedure. …
- Eat before the procedure. …
- Take a painkiller before the procedure. …
- Ask questions. …
- Get a full night’s sleep before and after.
How Is Root Canal Performed
This treatment is customized to suit every patient’s unique needs. So it can never be performed in the same way. But, here are some of the stages you should expect when you choose to have this procedure:
The diagnosis makes it possible for your dentist to identify the cause of the problem. This is why you will have to go through an X-ray scan first before any procedure commences. The X-ray results will help your dentist make informed decisions on how to treat the infection.
Suppose you don’t live in Istanbul, but you want to travel to the country for the surgery, our team of consultants will assist you. All you have to do is to send your X-ray documents to them, and they will take them from there.
Taking the anesthesia
When everything is set and you’re at the clinic ready for the treatment, your dentist will give you local anesthesia. This is done so that you don’t feel any pain or discomfort during treatment. This anesthesia is provided in the form of 3 injections that will numb the tooth and the surrounding gum completely.
Opening the tooth
Once your tooth is anesthetized, the dentist will use a small dental drill to open a small hole in the affected tooth. This small hole will give your dentist access to the inner structure of the tooth.
Removing the nerve and pulp
With access to the tooth’s inner structure, your dentist will begin to remove the nerve and pulp. Special tools are used to remove the nerve and pulp. When the infection is completely removed, the dentist will apply special meds to heal the treated area. He/she will also put a temporary filling on the treated tooth.
Finishing the treatment
When your dentist is satisfied that the meds have gone into effect, the temporary filling is removed and is replaced by a permanent one –and if necessary, a crown is placed.
Most patients are satisfied with the procedure’s outcome, and they often say that they never experience any problems with the treated tooth ever again. But there are instances where the treatment can fail, and in such cases, your dentist can recommend that you have alternative treatments.
Root Canal Recovery Timeline
After the Root Canal treatment, you should expect numbness all over your mouth. Dentists advise that you should not eat anything when feeling this numbness. You should also expect your teeth to feel very sensitive due to tissue inflammation. This usually happens when there was pain or infection before the procedure.
Root Canal Cost In Turkey
There are several factors that can determine the cost of a Root Canal Treatment. These include the scope of the procedure, the location where the procedure is performed, and the dentist’s reputation who operates. But if you are to have your treatment at Dentavivo Clinic, you can expect to save 60% to 70% of the amount you would have spent in your home countries. For International patients, the Root Canal treatment cost covers:
- Dentist’s fee
- Hospital or surgical facility costs
- Anesthesia fees
- Prescriptions for medication
- Post-surgery garments
- Medical tests and x-rays
Root Canal in Istanbul
Several dental clinics perform Root Canal treatment in and around Istanbul, Turkey. But if we are to go with the Root Canal success rate at Dentavivo Clinic, it’s easy to see why it is considered one of the best dental clinics in Istanbul, Turkey. The philosophical goal that drives this successful institution is to be highly conscious of the most modern and state-of-the-art means to achieve good health and patient satisfaction.
Dentavivo Clinic has dentists and dental professors who have experience in oral and dental health surgeries. This clinic has an excellent reputation for keeping international patient rights and patient satisfaction requirements at all times.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How much is all on four?
If you are looking for the all-on 4 dental implants abroad, the price is around €6435 – €9890 in Turkey
Is getting All-on-4 painful?
This is a common misconception but it is not true. The patient will experience a dull ache which is a result of post-surgery recovery but the discomfort is quite low in comparison to other dental procedures.
How long does it take for All-on-4 to heal?
Unlike some procedures which last longer, the All-on-4 procedure recovery starts soon after surgery and takes around 6 months to a year to fully recover. Although in a week or two you will be able to function.
How often should All-on-4 Be Cleaned?
As is the same with natural teeth, your All-on-4 dental implants should be cleaned every day. Make sure that you use water and a non-alcoholic anti-bacterial mouthwash for effective cleaning,
What are the disadvantages of All-on-4 dental implants?
Some of the most common disadvantages of All-on-4 dental implants include possible implant failure, some pain, and bleeding. There are also some risks related to gum injury from improperly adjusted implants