10+ Years of Experience

Dental Veneers

Length of Stay in Hospital: 1 DAY

Session Duration: 2 TO 4 HOURS PER CROWN


Recovery Duration: 3 MONTHS

Success Rate: 95.5%

Dental Veneers Treatment

Dental Veneers are also called instant orthodontics. You can think of them as customizable shells of teeth that can correct stains, chips, or discolored teeth. That means you can rely on dental veneers for a beautiful smile. Veneers mask the tooth’s visible dental surface and provide a highly conservative approach to esthetic smile makeovers.

The dental veneer procedure has to be performed by an expert dentist, and this is why we always recommend Istanbul Dental Center. There are a few types of dental veneers.

Benefits of dental veneers include: 

  • They offer a natural appearance.
  • They repair damaged teeth quickly. 
  • It’s a minimally invasive procedure.
  • They are permanent and can last for decades. 
  • They act as a tooth-whitening option.

Types of Dental Veneers

Composite Veneers: this type of veneer is the most commonly used treatment. It is not as natural looking as porcelain. A composite veneer treatment requires significantly less time. Hence veneers are sculpted and applied during your appointment. It is a popular choice to improve minor chips, cracks, and gaps between teeth.

Removal Veneers: As the name suggests, they are veneers that allow you to remove them and place them back on your own accord. These veneers will enable you to remove them and clean them as you take them off. Removal veneers can cover the existing tooth flaws and attain the desired aesthetic appearance.

Porcelain Veneers: this type of veneer is considered the highest quality among the other types. It is resistant to stains, discoloration mimics the properties of the natural-looking tooth, and the results are almost always satisfactory.

Instant Veneers: this type of veneer is pre-made and ready to be applied to your tooth. Similar to buying a pair of glasses frame and waiting to install your preferred lens. The dentist will apply minimal alterations to the veneer to better fit your tooth. Similar to composite veneers, they only require a single appointment to be installed.

Ideal Candidates of Dental Veneers in Turkey

  • People with minor cosmetic imperfections. 
  • People who have chipped teeth. 
  • People who have severely stained teeth. 
  • People who want to close a gap between their teeth.
  • People who have misshapen teeth.
  • People with sufficient healthy enamel that can support veneers.

How to Prepare for a Dental Veneer Procedure in Turkey

  • It would be best if you stopped taking Aspirin and any other meds associated with blood thinning seven days before the procedure.
  • If you are allergic to any meds, inform your dentist as soon as possible.
  • Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours before the surgery. 
  • Consuming any alcoholic beverages can affect anesthesia. So, it would help if you did not take in anything alcoholic 24 hours before surgery.
  • If you are taking meds for an acute disease(s) such as diabetes or heart disease, you should inform your dentist before the surgery.

How A Dental Veneer Procedure Is Performed

Every patient is different. They have different teeth, and preferences and they expect different results. That is why our dentists dedicate time to customize the procedure so it matches your unique goals. As they do this, they still adhere to the dental clinic’s best practices.  

Consultation with the dentist

Once you arrive at Dentavivo Clinic, you will have a face-to-face consultation with your dentist. He/she will examine your teeth too if the crowns are a suitable option for you. During your first which is done online, you have to send pictures of your teeth and inform the dentist about your dental history. During the face-to-face consultation session, you will have to discuss your goals and expectations with your dentist –this is done so that you’re both on the same page before the procedure commences. 

Preparing the teeth

Your dentist will begin this procedure by administering local anesthesia. He/she will remove the outer layer of enamel from the teeth treated.

Placing the veneers

After the surface is prepared, the dentist will carefully cement the veneers with a solid and permanent adhesive. Since you will be anesthetized, you can always expect this whole process to be comfortable and painless

Dental Veneer Recovery Timeline

Although the recovery timeline varies from one patient to another, you can expect to feel completely fine after 14 days. Some patients may feel wholly healed in 10 days, whereas some may go beyond two weeks. It’s vital that you stick to the dentist’s guidelines if you want your recovery road to be smooth and swift.

Dental Veneers Cost in Turkey

Dental treatments like veneers, dental implants, dentures, and crowns have low price tags in Turkey. That is one reason why thousands of medical tourists visit Turkey every month for dental procedures.

Having a dental veneer procedure in Turkey will help you save up to 80% of the amount you’d have used for the same treatment in the United States and the United Kingdom. You are more likely to spend between $925 to $2,500 for a dental veneer procedure in the US. But for that exact treatment in Turkey, you can fork out something between €85 and €150.

Dental Veneers in Istanbul

Several dental clinics provide dental crown services in and around Istanbul, Turkey. But if we are to go with the dental crowns success rate at Dentavivo Clinic, it’s easy to see why it is considered one of the best dental clinics in Istanbul, Turkey. The philosophical goal that drives this successful institution is to be highly conscious of the most modern and state-of-the-art means to achieve good health and patient satisfaction.

Dentavivo Clinic has dentists and dental professors who have experience in oral and dental health surgeries. This clinic has an excellent reputation for keeping international patient rights and patient satisfaction requirements at all times.

Your Itinerary Travel to Turkey

First Day

  • Upon arrival at Istanbul airport, our transport team will pick you up and take you to your hotel.

Second Day

  • Our transport team will pick you up and take you to the clinic. 
  • You will have a one-on-one consultation with your dentist. 
  • Medical examination. 
  • The procedure commences. 
  • Transported back to your hotel. 


  • Post-surgery checkup
  • Transferred to hotel and the airport